Relocated Nook to AWS Lighsail has been hosted on GoDaddy for a while now. Most providers like them offer a cheap entry-level web hosting service as a discount on the first year or 2 or 3, then revert to the normal rates.

Well, I’ve been paying their standard rates for a while now – time to move. I had looked at AWS’s standard EC2 services a while ago, but found GoDaddy to be cheaper at the time (cos of that discount).

However, they’ve now introduced a new service (Lighsail) that seems rediculously cheap – and the micro/tiny instances are still faster than the GoDaddy equivalent. I could have hosted in Sydney for best performance (network), but for some reason the service limits the network bandwidth for this region. So, it’s hosted in Singapore – and again – still quicker than GoDaddy.

Given this site really doesn’t get that much traffic, I don’t expect it will scale the $$ that much (as AWS is a usage-based consumption model). If it does grow too quickly, then I’ll look at moving it again if need be. For the moment though – it looks good.

At the time of this post, the content of has been duplicated into a new Lighsail instance, but the domain still points to the original GoDaddy – requesting the DNS change now… I’m gonna migrate the DNS management of the domain to my personal email domain at VentraIP – their service seems quite good – no problems (really) since I moved a few years ago.